Fallen Sun (Glow-worm) by HOWL & Robert Macfarlane
Performed live by HOWL - Kate Huggett, Elly Condron, Natty Pela, Rose Stachniewska, Lydia Samuels, Rosalie Warner, Clay Slade, Helen Potter and Heloise Tunstall-Behrens.
Music composed by Lydia Samuels and Rosalie Warner
Lyrics by Robert Macfarlane:
Fallen Sun (Glow-worm)
(A winter song of summer)
Glow-worm, glow-worm,
Fallen sun on the slow burn,
Lantern of the long grass,
Gleaming eye of Herne.
Fast and faster dims your glowing;
Starlight, taper, candle, going,
Thinned to dark with each year’s turn,
By the reaper’s quickening mowing,
Down between the graves, the ferns.
Glow-worm, glow-worm,
Fallen sun on the slow burn,
Lantern of the long grass,
Gleaming eye of Herne.
Now we need you, tiny beacons,
As our radar slowly weakens,
By your light we read our warnings,
Heed the comings of the mornings
When the birds have fled the dawning,
When the ship has loosed its moorings.
Glow-worm, glow-worm,
Fallen sun on the slow burn,
Lantern of the long grass,
Gleaming eye of Herne.
In the shadows of November,
Through the winter’s deepest snowing
In the blackness of December,
When the world is steep in camber
When Earth’s sunken bones are showing,
When all hope is downwards flowing—
Turn again to all that’s glowing;
Berry, amber, salamander,
Cup the flame & tend the ember,
Keep the lantern wick from slowing,
Show our light to all that’s sombre,
Remember; cup the flame and tend the ember.
Cup the flame and tend the ember.
Video by Galivant: Orban Wallace & Jamie Wolfeld
Sound by Nicholas O’brien for Upcycled Sounds